Tuesday, March 19

Classic Film Review: Casablanca

Quotes from this film are still used today. One of the most influential films ever made. Casablanca, released in 1942, is a true American classic.
Casablanca follows Rick an American who just wants to run his business and steer clear of the war that is plaguing the world around him until a long lost love, Ilsa, he thought he would never see again walked into his establishment with her new husband who is a rebel and is being hunted and he must decide to help them or not. The famous line, "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." The film has great pacing to it. It knows how to play the tense moments with suspense and when to let the romantic emotional moments lingerr to make the moment that much more special. It is no wonder this film won the Best Picture Oscar that year because when everyone is worrying about communism and Nazis it is nice to know that maybe there is still hope and love in the world. The sets were fairly elaborate and were used very well. The Director, Cinematographer and crew made sure to set the location of where the action is taking place in different places of the set. What makes this film great is the relationship between Humphrey Bogart's Rick, and Ingrid Bergman's, Ilsa. These two actors had so much compatibility on screen that I felt like I was watching a real relationship on the screen. The pain behind their eyes when they finally really talked in Rick's office was just brilliantly acted and brilliantly directed and editted. The scene was perfect because I did not know what I wanted Rick to do. I wanted Rick and Ilsa to be together but I also wanted her husband to get away and continue to rebel against the Nazis. It was an interesting dilemma and it played out very well. Casablanca is one of my favorite films and the reason is because it is a story that stands the test of time. The themes in the film are just as relevant today as they were 7 decades ago.
Check out the trailer to Casablanca below:

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