Wednesday, October 31

'Mockingbird Lane' is so Good it makes me Angry

When I heard NBC was developing a pilot to revamp the 60's supernatural comedy "The Munsters" I was excited. I remember watching reruns of the show with my mother when I was younger and loving it, so to see an updated version with better technology sounded like a good idea - and let's face it NBC needs some fresh good ideas.
When Bryan Fuller signed on as the helmer of the show my feelings about 'Lane' being awesome grew exponentially. Bryan Fuller is the creator of one of my personal favorite series of all time, 'Pushing Daisies', and is responsible for the best parts of 'Heroes' as well. This 'Munsters' update seemed like it could do no wrong and was destined to be picked up to series by NBC (Why do I continue to trust that NBC will make the right decisions?).
So, you can imagine my surprise when I realized that Mockingbird Lane, in fact, did not get picked up. I was confused and wondered if the show could be so bad? Well, I would get my chance to see if my suspicions were correct because NBC decided to air the pilot last Friday perhaps to make back some of the money they spent on the pilot. And as I was watching the show I realized within the first ten minutes that this show was special and I was in with it already.
Mockingbird Lane was hitting all the right notes for me. It was so whimsically dark and funny. Bryan Fuller packed in all of his charm that I saw in Pushing Daisies into the script and Bryan Singer, director of the first two X-Men, directed an incredible pilot that had me hooked. The actors were perfectly cast. Each character seemed so fleshed out that I knew their personalities by the end of the hour which is difficult to do in a pilot. Eddie Izzard as Grandpa had some great punchlines and is the MVD(Most Valuable Dracula) to me. Even more than just being a great comedy; their is a strong underlying heart to the pilot that gives it its uniqueness that never feels forced.
It is an extremely well done pilot and I have come to the actualization that I have basically given up hope on NBC to stick with shows that may set them a part from the rest of the big three networks and perhaps give them a chance to compete in the ratings with them with something other than The Voice. I feel a rant coming on so I must digress.
With the right marketing push Mockingbird Lane could be a success for NBC. The pilot delivered a 1.5 in the key demo(Adults 18-49) coming in second place for the hour. That is a good number for a Friday night "death" slot with no lead in and little promotion. I think with the right promotion, so that everyone is aware of the show, and a time-slot with a great lead-in, to give the show the best possible chance, Mockingbird Lane could be great.
But then again I don't know all of the facts and they also don't pay me the big bucks to make these type of decisions so this is just my opinion.

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